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Exclusives Academy's Triangles of Success 

Future Leader's Triangle of Success

Parent's Triangle of Success

Our Mission at Exclusives Academy is to help create tomorrow's future leaders with our overarching Triangle of Success!  It is made of three equal parts (Parent, Coach, and Player) that must be in sync with each other at all times.  No one is more important than the other, however, the overall success cannot be achieved without all three fully committing to the goals of the athlete.   

Athlete's Triangle of Success

Coach's Triangle of Success

Coaches Triangle of success

To learn more about our Triangles of Success scroll down

Future Leader's Triangle of Success

You, the person, become a successful adult by following your triangle of success learn, commit , and lead at all that you obligate yourself too. In the end, YOU own your triumphs and failures.

Athlete's Triangle of success

You, the athlete, can only become the best at you sport if you follow this formula.  Train harder than anyone else, Lead when no one is looking and/or when you are in toughest situations, You Succeed when everyone looks  to you without you saying a word!

Parent's Triangle of Success

You, the parent/guardian, elevate your player to become successful an individual by Encourage them to try, Support them went they fail, and being their Biggest Fan every day. You are the person they see day after day, push them to be their best and loving them through their struggles.

Coach's Triangle of Success

We the coaches, to the best of our ability will Dedicate our time to Teach each player that we work with, all they will need to know about their sport, but more importantly about how to be successful in life.   We will Inspire them to become the person and player that they want to be every chance we get.    

The Triangle Formula


(E + P) x D x L = True Success 

 These are the three ideals of our Triangle of Success, the philosophy of our academy. Each part of this formula not only pushes your kids to be great athletes but also great adults. We believe this formula will set them up for success, and we are honored that you are a part of this exceptional organization!

Education/Preparation: We support that our players are students first, athletes second, so we provide them with the tools to excel beyond the game because “it’s not just about the next 4 years, it’s about the next 40 years.”

Dedication: We instill a sense of commitment in our players through hard work and perseverance in their game and their studies. We believe this learned dedication translates to lifelong success.

Leadership: We strengthen our players’ leadership skills by promoting team and self responsibility, because a strong, confident individual develops into an effective leader.

Remember, it is okay to make mistakes and ask for help. Please let us know if you need our support in upholding your contribution!

“Accountability is essential to personal growth, as well as team growth. How can you improve if you’re never wrong? If you don’t admit a mistake and take responsibility for it, you’re bound to make the same one again.” – Pat Summit